Paulding Rotary Welcomes McKenna Farms

ROT McKenna 800Mrs. Jessica Moore the Executive Director and Ms. Merrill Baker the Development Director of McKenna Farms made a visit to the Paulding Rotary Club this past week. Introduced by club Pres. Ford Thigpen, Mrs. Moore thanked the club for the invitation to speak and the continued support.
Mrs. Moore has been a frequent guest of the Rotary Club as many members are advocates of McKenna Farms and the progress they have made over the years in further utilizing their facility to expand their therapeutic programs. Along with the standard progress report that Mrs. Moore usually gives, she and her colleague were much more enthusiastic about the future. McKenna Farms is a nonprofit organization that provides therapy to boys and girls ages birth the 21 with special needs and has been providing these services since 2001. They have steadily grown in their capacity to offer therapy services and they are looking to expand once again. Although the project is not ready for a public announcement they will have an official press release very soon
Another exciting bit of news for McKenna Farms is that they are having their third Annual Derby Day at the farm on May 4. The event begins at 4:30 PM and guests will enjoy a barbecue dinner, live music, a silent auction, wine games, hat contests and other activities leading up to watching the Kentucky Derby live! All proceeds benefit our McKenna Farms Therapy Services' programs for children with special needs. Tickets are now on sale! Please check their Facebook page.
After answering a few of the members' questions the club was happy to present Mrs. Moore with a $1000 donation to McKenna Farms. For more information please visit their website, or to find out more about how you can contribute to the wonderful work that is being accomplished.

Ford Thigpen, Jessica Moore, Merrill Baker